I’ve included my resume here at the web site. It’s a lot to slog through, but that’s what happens when you’ve been doing engineering for almost 50 years. To be brief about it, I’m trained in mechanical engineering and in business management (MIT Sloan Fellow). My 17 years experience as Corvette Chief Engineer is obvious. Possibly less obvious is what I’ve been doing as an engineering consultant since.
Highlights of the last 15 years include writing “Corvette from the Inside,” being a member of the board of Porsche Engineering Services in the USA, the automotive consultant to Rosen Motors as they developed a flywheel battery storage device, numerous military truck programs (as chief engineer or as a member of the “Red Team” for a $10B contract), a steer-by-wire car for the NHTSA and a member of the technology board for the Mosler MT 900 a honeycomb graphite composite car based on Corvette components.
I’ve also been an automotive expert witness testifying in court.
I continue to enjoy working with teams that push the envelop of engineering technology. The SAE has recognized me with the Edward N. Cole Award for Engineering Excellence and with Fellows grade membership.
I can be contacted through this site’s contact page.